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(National Institution for Social Assistance)

INAS is a social institution promoted by CISL (Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori - Italian Confederation of Workers' Trade Unions), set up to provide a free service with regard to state insurance, welfare assistance and healthcare.

It is a charitable institution and as such it is controlled in its activities and functions by Italian state laws.

It provides a safeguard without distinction and free of charge to all the workers and their families, for the protection of rights under European, national and regional laws, through work contracts and through international agreements on social security.

It has a network structure over the whole national territory and abroad, with over 1.000 full-time employees who work in almost 700 offices in Italy and over 100 offices situated in the major countries of Italian emigration spread.

It is financed through a fund derived from a direct contribution of the workers and it is run by the Ministry of Labour, which controls its activity.

INAS activities abroad

For more than 40 years INAS has worked for Italian emigrants.

It is present in Europe in the major countries of Italian emigration, most especially in Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Great Britain and Slovenia. INAS is also present in the following countries: in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela,

In order to give a better social safeguard to our citizens and to all the European

Community and Non European Community citizens who have worked in Italy, INAS has negotiated agreements of cooperation with the main trade unions of the host countries adherent to ETUC (European Trade Union Confederation), and ICFTU (International Confederation of Free Trade Unions).

The wide assistance service of INAS is completely free of charge. Our emigrants and the host countries' citizens come to our offices for assistance with state insurance (allocated by the Italian state or other states institutions), for international convention's insurance, for services rendered by Italian local institutions and to solve welfare and insurance problems in general.

In Italy, all INAS offices assist and give information to workers and their families who intend to go abroad or who have left their host Country and returned to live in Italy.

INAS activity
in Italy for immigrants

In Italy, INAS assists European and Non European Community citizens to benefit from their rights and to absolve their duties according to laws and international agreements, through a network of information and direct assistance.

Together with CISL, INAS is strongly engaged in the assistance service and it safeguards the long route that the Non European Community citizens have to follow to reach work, social and cultural integration.

The safeguard action concentrates on assistance to immigrants for problems related to entry and residence permits in Italy. Particular attention is focussed on problems of work, family, education and health. A special service of consultation concerns insurance problems and on obtaining Italian citizenship.